lemon omani are not lemons they are limes olso goes by name [limu omani ] typical (fresh) omanilimes are boiled in salt water & dried in the until it sun tanned .the color varied from pale tan (white )to dark brow or darkened (dark black ) their flavor is tart /with an indescribable muskiness & without any sweetness. these dried limes are fantastic as asouring agent in place of lemon juice in a sauce .pale tan (white ) to light tan ( brown ) ones are generally best , however some of the very dark black limes have a greter pungency and depth of flavor ,
when adding whole dried limes to a dish make a few hold with a skewer or a fork to allow the cooking juices to infuse with the tasty inside use them in stews &soups or can be crushed or even powdered before adding to a.